CSS Profile
About CSS Profile
About CSS Profile
Financial Aid Professionals
Application Steps
Getting Started
Complete the Application
Fee Waivers
Information for Parents
International Applicants
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Frequently Asked Questions
Getting Started
Why do I need to complete the CSS Profile?
How do I know if my school requires the CSS Profile?
How do I add additional schools to the CSS Profile?
What documents do I need to complete the CSS Profile?
Is my data secure? How is data transmitted?
Is there a paper application available for CSS Profile?
Accessing My Account
How do I set up my College Board account?
What if I don’t remember my account/password?
Does my parent need an account to complete the CSS Profile?
How to navigate the dashboard?
How can I monitor my progress while completing the CSS Profile?
Which parents do I include on my CSS Profile?
How do I know if CSS Profile is required from both of my biological/adoptive parents if they are divorced/separated?
What if my parents are divorced/separated? Which parent provides the majority of my financial support?
Why would a parent need their own account log-in, and how do they create it?
What if I do not have contact with my non-custodial parent?
Are stepparents/my parent’s partners included?
Fee Waivers/Cost
What is the cost of the CSS Profile and what payment methods are accepted?
Who qualifies for a fee waiver?
What does a CSS Profile fee waiver cover?
When are students notified that they received a CSS Profile fee waiver?
What if I do not qualify for an automatic fee waiver and am unable to pay the fee?
Are U.S. citizens living abroad eligible for a CSS Profile fee waiver?
Do I complete the CSS Profile in my home country currency?
What if my parents’ income or assets are in two different currencies?
What is my parent tax return status as international student?
What do I submit to IDOC if my parents do not file U.S. Tax Returns?
What is my citizenship status?
How do I know if my institution uses IDOC?
How long do my documents take to process and how do I identify the current status of my uploaded documents?
How do I access IDOC?
How do I know what documents I need to submit?
What is the process for uploading documents?
How is my information protected?
What if I made a mistake on my CSS Profile?
How many corrections can I make?
How do I add parent data to my application?
Who do I contact with additional questions about the CSS Profile?
Who do I contact with additional questions about IDOC?
Who do I contact with additional questions as a Financial Aid Administrator or Counselor?
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